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Mater Matuta

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Mater Matuta
Author: Edisonblus | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Mater Matuta was the Roman goddess of morning and dawn in Roman mythology. Some Roman sources identified her with Ino-Leukotea, who, after her suicide and turned into a sea goddess, was to leave Greece and come to Italy.

Myths also mention that upon her arrival in Italy, Mater Matuta was attacked by bacchantes who were agitated by her long-hostile Juno. She was saved by Heracles and entrusted to Karmenta’s care. Mater Matuta was venerated with a holiday called Matralia on June 11th. Only free women who had only one surviving husband were allowed to participate (widows, slaves and divorced women were excluded from the celebration). Her temple was located at Forum Boarium, near the port of Rome.

  • Kempiński Andrzej, Encyklopedia mitologii ludów indoeuropejskich, Warszawa 2001
  • Schmidt Joël, Słownik mitologii greckiej i rzymskiej, Katowice 1996

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