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Articles (War and army)

The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.

Conspiracy of barbarians – barbarian invasion of Britain in 4th century CE

According to the Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus, an event called barbarica conspiratio (“barbarian conspiracy”) took place in the second half of the 4th century CE, which involved a simultaneous attack on Roman Britain by various barbarian tribes. It is not clear whether this was an organized action; however, it certainly severely damaged the province, which was abandoned by the Romans half a century later.

Conspiracy of barbarians

Did Roman legionaries suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that occurs after intense stress (caused by a traumatic event, life-threatening, or killing another person) and which is not assimilable by the individual. Could Roman soldiers fighting in antiquity suffer from such post-traumatic stress?

The fight of the Romans with the barbarians

Legal status, recruitment, service, relations of soldiers in Roman army

The Roman army of the early empire is still considered to be the unrivalled role model in terms of quality, discipline and efficiency. The aim of the article is to show what the Roman army looked like from the inside: what the legal status of soldiers was; what the recruitment and training process and the service itself looked like; and, above all, what relations prevailed in the units between comrades in arms.

Roman soldiers on the march

Centurions of Gaius Julius Caesar

The wars fought by the Romans in the late Republic era made many legions, and even individual soldiers, almost as famous as their leaders. At that time, the Roman army was practically a professional army.

Legio XXII Deiotariana with consul Julius Caesar

Heavy cavalry – queen of battlefield

The history of the heavily armed cavalry probably dates back to the steppe areas, where it developed among the Turkestan nomads. Herodotus, known as the “father of history”, mentions in his work the heavy Massagec cavalry fighting in the army of the kings of the Achaemenid dynasty. Heavy cavalry was the basis of the Persian military power, and the main role was played by the Median cavalry.

Rough driving

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