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Biographies of Romans (Emperors)

In the history of ancient Rome, appeared many famous figures. Many of them have been remembered as cruel tyrants, eg. Caligula, Nero or Caracalla. Others, on the other hand, became famous as great reformers: Augustus, Claudius, Marcus Aurelius, Diocletian, and Constantine the Great. Also, do not forget about the Roman commanders, who often rescued the Roman state from extermination.

The great creators of Roman culture who also significantly influenced the further development of the world were also remembered. I will present people who have become famous for their great deeds.


(c. 210 - October 253 CE)

Roman emperor Aemilianus ruled for several months in 253 CE. Raised to purple by his faithful legions, he overthrew the legal ruler Trebonian Gallus and assumed the throne of Rome for 88 days. The changeling was overthrown by the heir - Valerian.

Emperor Aemilianus

Alexander Severus

(1 October 208 - 21 March 235 CE)

Alexander Severus was a Roman emperor who reigned in the years 222-235 CE. The cousin of the hated Elagabalus; he did not gain the respect of the soldiers. Throughout his reign, Alexander was extremely vulnerable to the influence of his grandmother and mother, who de facto ruled in his name.

Alexander Severus


(14 September 208 - 8 June 218 CE)

Diadumenian was the son of Emperor Macrinus. He was a co-emperor from 218 CE. He was killed with his father the same year.


Trebonianus Gallus

(206 - 253 CE)

Trebonianus Gallus was a Roman emperor who reigned in the years 251-253 CE. He received power from the hands of the soldiers. He faced invasions and an internal struggle.

Trebonianus Gallus


(204 - 11 March 222 CE)

Elagabalus was a Roman emperor reigning in the years 218-222 CE. The young ruler quickly gave evidence of his emotional unbalance and cruelty. His reign is considered one of the worst in Roman history; his sick ideas and controversial conduct have survived forever in ancient sources.



(after 200 - September 276 CE)

Marcus Annius Florianus was a Roman emperor who reigned between July and September 276 CE. His reign is an attempt to consolidate power and stabilize the situation in the Roman state. His main rival for power was Probus, the usurper in the east.

Emperor Florianus

Emperor Tacitus

(200 - 276 CE)

The Roman emperor Tacitus ruled in 275-276 CE. Tacitus was to cooperate with the senate and initiated many reforms. In addition, he honored the tragically deceased Aurelian with numerous statues, and punished his murderers.

Emperor Tacitus

Valerian I

(c. 193 - c. 262 CE)

Valerian I was a Roman emperor in the years 253-260 CE. He was the only Roman emperor who got in and died in captivity. He was captured during the war with Persia.

Valerian I


(27 May 189 - 26 February 212 CE)

Geta was a Roman emperor; he co-ruled with his father in the years 209-211 CE and with Caracalla in 211-212 CE. Murdered on the orders of his brother Caracalla, died in the arms of his mother.



(4 April 188 - 8 April 217 CE)

Caracalla was the Roman emperor ruling from 211-217 CE. He was supported by praetorians and part of the army; he became famous for his cruelty and bloody spectacles.


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