Palaeobotanists recreated the ancient wine that was drunk in ancient Rome two thousand years ago. For this purpose, orchards with grapes were created in Pompeii and the cultivation of plants was undertaken as the Romans had done before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE.
The idea was born in 1996. Researchers used their knowledge of ancient-era fruit cultivation and the types of grapes. They drew their knowledge from the preserved remnants of wine and grape seeds.
Currently, the extremely exclusive brand of red wine “Villa dei Misteri – Mastroberardino” is available on the market. The soil in Pompeii is volcanic, loose, rich in minerals and lapilli, and well dried, which guarantees good conditions for wine restoration. Almost 15-year-old fruit is used for the production of wine. Just like in ancient times, the harvest is done by hand at the end of October.
According to the producers, “Villa dei Misteri” wine has an intense ruby color, and the taste is varied with a pinch of vanilla, cinnamon, marasch and plums. The aroma of raspberries and black pepper is also noticeable.
Wine “Villa dei Misteri Mastroberardino”