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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Roman barge
31 meters long Roman barge from the 1st century CE was fished in 2011 from the Rhône River in Arles (France). After two thousand years spent in the mud, its condition is intact.
Roman sculpture showing Octavian Augustus
Roman sculpture showing Octavian Augustus. The object is dated to the 2nd century CE. According to the researchers, the object actually depicted a young man, but it was later adopted to represent the first emperor of Rome. The artifact is in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.
Roman mosaic showing cockfight
Roman mosaic showing a cockfight. The scene shows an injured, bleeding rooster (right) bowing its head as a gesture of submission.
Ancient sculpture showing Greek strategist
An ancient sculpture showing a Greek strategist. The marble object was discovered in Herculaneum and is dated to the 1st century CE. It is probably a copy of a Greek original from the 5th century BCE. The artifact is in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.
Ancient votive hand with inscription
Ancient votive hand with an inscription on the inside of the wrist: “Arabiades and his brother Germanus supplicant, dedicate”. According to the researchers, the men sacrificed the object to Jupiter Dolichenus in gratitude for their care. The Syrian deity spread in the west of the Roman Empire in the 2nd-3rd century CE and was popular, for example, in the Roman army.