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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Hen and rooster pecking at fruit in Roman fresco
A hen and a rooster pecking at a fruit on a Roman wall fresco. The artifact was found in Herculaneum. The object is on display at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.
Roman fresco showing two young women
Roman fresco from Herculaneum showing two young women, where one of them holds a wax tablet and a stylus for writing. Object dated to the 1st century CE. The artifact is in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.
Roman cameo showing goose
Roman cameo of a goose, a bird dedicated to Goddess Juno. The artifact is in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.
Sculpture of emperor Antoninus Pius
Sculpture of emperor Antoninus Pius, who reigned in the Roman Empire in the years 138-161 CE. The artifact is in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.
Roman fresco showing woman combing her hair
Roman fresco showing a woman combing her hair. The object is dated to the 1st century CE and was discovered in Stabiae. The artifact is in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples.
Bust of emperor Tiberius
Bust of emperor Tiberius (reigned 14-37 CE), made of marble, which is in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples. The head of the sculpture is dated to around 40 CE, and the rest of the bust was additionally made by the 16th-century Italian sculptor Guglielmo della Porta and combined with the preserved head.