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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Myth about laurel branch and white chicken

In 1863, during the excavations, the Villa Livia was discovered – archaeologists saw chambers full of unusual frescoes. Particularly noteworthy is the room with frescoes depicting a fabulous Mediterranean garden – and really, dear reader, when looking at the paintings, we get the impression that we are in a real garden, full of flowers, palm trees, pine trees and orange and lemon trees (it makes you want to reach out and pick this fruit).

Fresco in Villa of Livia

Roman globe in Vatican

The preserved globe-shaped sculpture that crowned the obelisk is now in the Capitoline Museum in Rome. There are traces of gilding; the object is dated to the 1st century CE.

Roman globe in Vatican

Roman horseman tombstone

Roman tombstone of a horseman named Insus. It is located in the Lancaster Museum in England. The man belonged to the ala August unit. He is shown on the tombstone in a triumphant scene above the fallen barbarian.

Rzymski nagrobek jeźdźca

Ancient contract confirming granting of loan

An ancient agreement confirming the granting of a loan, from Roman Egypt, and dated May 16, 123 CE. A certain Sokration of Syene (present-day Aswan in southern Egypt) borrowed 109 drachmas to Marcus Annius Balbinus and his sister, Annia Olympias, to pay for an estate in lower Syene.

Ancient contract confirming granting of loan

Roman helmet from Guisborough

In August 1864, a unique Roman helmet was discovered in a field at Barnaby Grange near Guisborough in the west-central part of England. The find was originally thought to be of Anglo-Saxon or Celtic origin.

Roman helmet from Guisborough

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