Emperor Nero became famous primarily for the first persecution of Christians during his reign. Including he used the burning flesh of Christians as candles at his feasts.
The Great Fire in 64 CE in Rome, for nine days he destroyed more districts of the city. Many residents began to accuse Nero of deliberately setting the city on fire; the emperor, in turn, had to turn his suspicions away. To this end, he used the mysterious followers of Christ as a scapegoat.
According to Tacitus, his persecution consisted of throwing Christians to wild dogs to be devoured or the aforementioned nailing to crosses in the garden and setting them on fire. According to Tacitus, the convicts played the role of burning living torches that lit up the feast outside1.
The Christians themselves considered Nero a persecutor of faith. Eusebius of Caesarea mentioned that “was the first that persecuted this doctrine2. and Tertullian that he was “the first who wielded the sword of the empire against the Christian religion”3.
Moreover, many followers of Christ believed that Nero was the Antichrist by virtue of his outstanding cruelty and corruption, and even a False Prophet.