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Curiosities of ancient Rome
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Foolish words of sister of Publius Claudius Pulcher
According to ancient sources, during the First Punic War (264-241 BCE), consul Appius Claudius Pulcher attacked in 249 BCE Carthaginian fleet at Drepanum (today Trapani) in Sicily, despite the unfavorable behavior of the sacred chickens.
Sculptures of Igor Mitoraj in Pompeii
In Pompeii since 2016, you can admire the sculptures of the Polish sculptor Igor Mitoraj, who died in 2014. The artist lived and worked in Tuscany for many years.
Remains of Roman aqueduct in Viminacium
Remains of a Roman aqueduct that was used to supply water to the ancient city of Viminacium, located near the modern city of Kostolac, in eastern Serbia.
Tropaion, also simply called the trophy (tropaeum) is a form of military monument erected by Greeks and Romans in honour of victory in the battle. It was usually a vertical pole in the shape of a tree with outstretched arms (later crossed with two sticks), to which captured military items were attached. The trophy was next sacrificed to deities for victory.
Values professed by Romans
Ancient Romans believed that their ancestors gave them a catalogue of values to live by. They called him the term mos maiorum, or “the customs of the ancestors.” In practice, the Roman believed that the old is good because it has already been used in practice. In turn, “new things” (res novae) were, according to the Romans, a form of revolution that they associated with chaos and violence.
Gladiator statuette of thraex
Roman statuette of gladiator thraex. The object dates to the 2nd century CE, found in Dubljani in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The facility is located in the National Museum of Serbia in Belgrade.
Pater familias could decide on death of family member
In ancient Rome, the father of the family (pater familias) was a person with exceptional social rights. Among other things, he had the right to decide even about the lives of other family members.