Pronunciation of “Veni, vidi vici!”
Julius Caesar said “Veni, vidi vici!”. However, the pronunciation of Latin in ancient Rome has little to do with medieval, later and modern pronunciation.
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The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Julius Caesar said “Veni, vidi vici!”. However, the pronunciation of Latin in ancient Rome has little to do with medieval, later and modern pronunciation.
Thermopolium was an antique street bar that literally means “the place where you sell (something) warm”. This type of place was popular in Greek or Roman cities among the poor who could not afford their own kitchen. Today we could describe such a place as “fast-food”.
Secret Museum or Secret Cabinet (Gabinetto Segreto) are terms referring to the collection of erotic and sexual objects found in Pompeii and Herculaneum, which is located in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy.
Ancient Romans called amber as lyncurium (other names are lyngurium or ligurium), meaning “lynx urine” because according to the beliefs, the golden object was created from the petrified urine of this predator (apparently the best came from male urine).
Where did the division of the week into 7 days come from? Most people would point out the Bible and the process of creating the world written there. However, it is not so certain that the Hebrews were the creators of the 7-day week used to this day.
Marcus Tullius Cicero in his work “Brutus” describes many great Roman orators. His opinions are extremely valuable for historians and researchers because they allow them to explore the era and events of that period.
Excessive consumption of food and excess was something the ancient Romans believed should be avoided at all costs. The ideal Roman should be devoted to the gods, his family and homeland, and above all, he should live a simple life and does not demand glory. However, as it always happens, in practice it was different and the Romans, as conquerors of the world, departed from their ideals, e.g. they indulged in boisterous feasts and decadent dishes.
Women in the Roman world did not have the same position as men; e.g. they could not vote in assemblies or hold public office. On the other hand, they could own land, write their own wills, and testify in court. However, this independence was limited.
A so-called “Lyon Tablet” is a preserved bronze plaque on which the words of the speech given by Emperor Claudius (41-54 CE) before the Senate in Rome during the year 48 CE were placed. It was a proposal to recognize Roman citizens from distant Gaul as worthy of admission to the senatorial state, after achieving an appropriate level of wealth.
Piscina Mirabilis is one of the largest drinking water tanks built by ancient Romans. It is located on the west end of the Gulf of Naples, Italy.