Antique coins discovered in desk drawer in England
In 2017, in the county of Kent (Eastern England), an unusual find was found – extremely unique and rare coins from ancient Greece and Rome. Some objects are almost 2,500 years old.
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All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
In 2017, in the county of Kent (Eastern England), an unusual find was found – extremely unique and rare coins from ancient Greece and Rome. Some objects are almost 2,500 years old.
Recent archaeological research conducted in the former Roman provinces of Raetia, Noricum and Upper Pannonia has established that mules appeared in the lands beyond the Alps thanks to the ancient Romans.
In 2017, scientists discovered an almost 2,000-year-old Roman sundial in the remains of the Roman city of Interamna Lirenas, located near the Italian Pignataro Interamna (central Italy).
The latest research from the ancient necropolis of Vila de Madrid in Barcelona (Spain) gives us more information about what the ancient Romans ate during feasts in the tombs of the dead, during celebrations or holidays. website describes a fascinating journey through the preserved part of the Roman aqueduct in Split (Croatia). The tour takes place underground and the construction demonstrates the engineering genius of the ancient Romans.
Scientists believe that they found the first evidence of the landing of Roman troops under the command of Julius Caesar in Britain in 54 BCE.