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Roman monuments disappear under garbage and rats

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Colosseum | Photo: ABC News: Lisa Millar

In May this year, the Romans will elect a new mayor of the capital, who will face an extremely difficult challenge – cleaning up the “Eternal City”.

The city of Rome, full of beautiful monuments, loses its charm due to the ever-increasing amount of garbage on the streets and newly created graffiti. Last month, authorities had to close several ticket offices to Rome’s major monuments after finding traces of rat blood. The event was depreciated. However, as it turned out wrongly; to this day hear complaints from builders about the large number of rats in the city.

As the well-known Italian writer Massimo Franco claims: “Rome is a beautiful city, but badly managed.” Giancarlo Cremonesi, on the other hand, claims that it is unacceptable that a great city that calls itself developed has entered such a state of decay. Recently, polls appeared in the newspapers in which the inhabitants of the “Eternal City” made it clear that the city had entered a time of decline and decadence.

Graffiti on buildings in the suburbs of Trastevere.
Lisa Millar, ABC News

In the face of insufficient actions taken by the authorities, a group of volunteers cleans monuments and walls of disfiguring paintings on their own, which are located in the vicinity of the Colosseum or the Vatican. Volunteers bring their own cloths, sponges and lotions. They are mostly young people. They work in parallel with the cleaning services of the city, which has recently been flooded with a wave of criticism for not doing enough to clean up the districts. It is worth emphasizing that some garbage trucks are covered with inscriptions and paintings that employees do not want to remove.

The garbage collectors are not only unable to keep up with the cleaning of the city, but also their own garbage trucks.
Lisa Millar, ABC News

Much of the city’s problems are blamed on the Mafia and corruption. The scandal caused by the previous mayor has left the mood in Rome really gloomy. The city of three million inhabitants needs really sensible new authorities.

  • Lisa Millar, Rome's prestige in ruins as ancient city drowns in rubbish, rats, "", 2.04.2016

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