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News (For tourists)
Colosseum will have new arena in 2023
The Italian government finally approved plans to create a remote-controlled, foldable deck at the Colosseum. The project was prepared by Milan Ingegneria. The new area will be located inside the building; interestingly, the original surface was removed in the 19th century to reveal underground structures.
Illegal treasure hunters have sneaked into Roman structures in northern England
Illegal treasure hunters entered the area of the remains of a Roman villa in the village of Eastfield (northern England) at night and destroyed it. Interestingly, the information about the discovery appeared in the media not much earlier.
Roman fort Epiacum received funding
In northern England, in the county of Cumbria, there are remains of the Roman fort Epiacum, which was built at the beginning of the 2nd century CE. The site received support of £10,000 from a private investor.
Interesting Roman monument will be on display at Ceredigion Museum
An interesting Roman monument will be on display at the Ceredigion Museum in West Wales – the remains of a unique Roman vessel that comes from a Roman villa discovered in Abermagwr.
Remains of Roman villa in Aventine will be opened to tourists
The remains of a Roman villa were discovered on the Aventine Hill in Rome in 2014. Now, after years of archaeological work, the place is to be open to visitors from November.