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Reviews (Historical novels)

If you have any reviews or would like to share your impressions about some books, feel free to send me texts to:

Of course, there aren’t any major demands on style and length. It is important that the text is coherent, describes your impressions and presents the evaluation of the publication.

Review: Eagles at War

Ben Kane

The book "Eagles at War" is the first part of the new trilogy by Ben Kane, in which the author takes us to 9 CE, when the disastrous defeat of Varus' three legions in the Teutoburg Forest took place.

Eagles at War

Review: Hannibal’s Children

John Maddox Roberts

The book by John Maddox Roberts "Hannibal's Children" is a historical novel showing us an alternative vision of the ancient world, after Hannibal was victorious in the Second Punic War. The author outlines the events that could happen if the Romans decided to accept Hannibal's terms and leave Italy.

Hannibal's Children

Review: Empire of Dragons

Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The book "Empire of Dragons" tells us the story of the Romans who, after losing the battle with the Persians, end up in the Far East and establish contacts with China.

Empire of Dragons

Review: Total War Rome. Destroy Carthage

David Gibbins

The book "Total War Rome. Destroy Carthage" is another historical novel by David Gibbins, an underwater archaeologist and novelist. This time the author takes us to the years 168-146 BCE, which is one of the most important periods for the Roman Republic, which will determine its future fate. After the victorious Macedonian war and the defeat of Perseus' huge army at Pydna in 168 BCE, Rome faces the final battle with its greatest enemy - Carthage.

Total War Rome. Destroy Carthage

Review: The Temple of the Muses

John Maddox Roberts

The book "The Temple of the Muses" by John Maddox Roberts is a detective story set in ancient Rome. The book is nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe (Edgar Awards), which is presented by the Mystery Writers of America organization.

The Temple of the Muses

Review: Warrior of Rome. The Amber Road

Harry Sidebottom

The book "Warrior of Rome. The Amber Road" is the sixth and final part of Harry Sidebottom's historical novel published by Rebis. The action of the novel takes place in the year 264 CE and tells of the voyage of the title character, Ballista, north to Hyperborea, his home country. To top it all off, the Empire finds itself in a civil war when Postumus proclaims himself emperor of the western Roman provinces. Rightful August Galien must crush the rebellion and restore internal order.

Warrior of Rome. The Amber Road

Review: Warrior of Rome. Caspian Gates

Harry Sidebottom

The book "Caspian Gates" is the fourth part of a five-volume historical novel entitled "Warrior of Rome", in which the author Harry Sidebottom leads the fate of a Romanized Briton - Ballista - towards Asia Minor and the mountains of the Caucasus. The barbarian is sent by the emperor Galien with a mission to secure the passage through the mountain massif and stop the invasion of the barbarian Alamanni on the territory of Rome. Meanwhile, Balista has to deal with a huge earthquake in Ephesus and the invasions of the Goths in Asia Minor.

Warrior of Rome. Caspian Gates

Review: Valerius. Hero of Rome

Douglas Jackson

The book "Valerius. Hero of Rome" is the first part of the historical novel by Douglas Jackson. The book takes us to the year 60 CE, when the Romans, under the command of the tribune Gaius Valerius Verrens, must face the rebellion of the Queen of the Britons, Boudica.

Valerius. Hero of Rome

Review: Valerius. Defender of Rome

Douglas Jackson

The book "Valerius. Defender of Rome" is the second part of the historical novel by Douglas Jackson. The book takes us to the year 63 CE, when the victorious Valerius is transferred to Rome, where he is to deal, on the emperor's orders, with the Christian sect and its leader, Peter.

Valerius. Defender of Rome

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