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Visualization of the goddess Pax with Plutos, the god of wealth.
Creative Commons Attribution license - On the same terms 3.0.

Pax was the goddess of peace, daughter of Jupiter and Iustitia. Her name “pax” literally means “peace”. Its counterpart in Greek mythology is Ejrene.

Regarded as a goddess during the reign of Octavian Augustus. On the Field of Mars, she had her first temple Ara Pacis. The second one was on the Forum Pacis. A festival on January 3 was organized in her honour. B Dynasty was often associated with spring.

In art, she was most often depicted as a young woman holding a cornucopia. On the reverse of Roman coins, it is depicted with an olive branch, a sceptre, a cornucopia or a caduceus. Numerous images show Pax appearing on the battlefield with an olive branch in her right hand and rose petals in her left hand.

  • Kempiński Andrzej, Encyklopedia mitologii ludów indoeuropejskich, Warszawa 2001
  • Schmidt Joël, Słownik mitologii greckiej i rzymskiej, Katowice 1996

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