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Biographies of Romans

In the history of ancient Rome, appeared many famous figures. Many of them have been remembered as cruel tyrants, eg. Caligula, Nero or Caracalla. Others, on the other hand, became famous as great reformers: Augustus, Claudius, Marcus Aurelius, Diocletian, and Constantine the Great. Also, do not forget about the Roman commanders, who often rescued the Roman state from extermination.

The great creators of Roman culture who also significantly influenced the further development of the world were also remembered. I will present people who have become famous for their great deeds.

Favorinus of Arelate

(c. 80 - 160 CE)

Favorinus of Arelate (today Arles in the south of France) lived in the years around 80-160 CE and was a famous sophist and philosopher. Although he was Gaul, he mastered Greek to perfection, which made him an acknowledged and admired orator.


Antoninus Pius

(19 September 86 - 7 March 161 CE)

Antoninus Pius was a Roman emperor in the years 138 - 161 CE. The period of his reign is a time of prosperity and peace, often called Pax Romana.

Antoninus Pius

Polemon of Laodicea

(c. 88-144 CE)

Polemon is considered one of the greatest orators of the imperial period. He came from Laodicea (Asia Minor), from a famous senatorial family.

Polemon of Laodicea

Appian of Alexandria

(c. 95 - c. 180 CE)

Appian of Alexandria was a famous Greek writing historian during the reign of Rome. He became famous for his position - "Roman History".


Faustina the Elder

(c. 100 - 140 CE)

Faustina the Elder was the daughter of Marek Annius Verus and Faustina Rupilia. She also went down in history as the aunt of emperor Marcus Aurelius. But her biography also hides an interesting story - she was one of the most engaged empresses in improving the education of the lower social strata...

Bust of Faustina the Elder

Claudius Ptolemy

(c. 100 - c. 168 CE)

Claudius Ptolemy was a Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer. He lived in Alexandria belonging at that time to the Roman Empire.

Klaudius Ptolemy

Ceionius Commodus

(13 January 101 - 13 January 138 CE)

Ceionius Commodus was adopted by Hadrian and appointed his heir to the throne of Rome. The emperor's plans were destroyed by the unexpected death of Commodus.

Ceionius Commodus

Elius Aristides

(26 November 117 - c. 180 CE)

Aristides was a leading representative of the second sophistry, an intellectual current developed during the early Roman Empire.

Elius Aristides

Lucian of Samosata

(c. 120 - c. 190 CE)

Lucian of Samosata was a Roman rhetoric and satirist who wrote in Greek. He is considered the creator of social satire.

Lucian of Samosata

Marcus Aurelius

(26 April 121 - 17 March 180 CE)

Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor who ruled in 161-180 CE. He was one of the most outstanding and educated emperors of Rome.

Marcus Aurelius

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