Cataloghi regionari, also called simply regionari, is a preserved document devoted to the development of Rome in the 4th century CE. Thanks to the document, we can find out how many and what kind of buildings could be found in the capital of the Empire.
Rome reportedly had: 10 public basilicas, 36 triumphal arches, 6 obelisks, 2 imperial columns, 22 horse statues, 80 gilded statues, 74 ivory statues, 18 aqueducts, 8 bridges, 11 public baths, 856 private baths, 9 circuses and theatres, 28 libraries, 1790 exclusive domus, 66 thousand residential tenement houses and 46 lupanars.
Importantly, regionari also confirms the division of Rome into 14 districts (made during the reign of Octavian Augustus). Distinguished by:
- Porta Capena
- Caelimontium
- Isis et Serapis
- Templum Pacis
- Esquiliae
- Alta Semita
- Via Lata
- Forum Romanum
- Circus Flaminius
- Palatium
- Circus Maximus
- Piscina Publica
- Aventinus
- Transtiberim