The construction of Colosseum was financed from loot obtained during suppression Jewish uprising (66-73 CE) led by Emperor Vespasian and his son, Titus. The Colosseum is the second largest building of antiquity after the Giza Pyramid.
It was built in about 10 years, which was an amazing achievement for its level of technological advancement. This building was a gift from the newly elected emperor Vespasian to the people of Rome. In this way, the ruler wanted to win his subjects and consolidate power after the death of the last member of the Julian-Claudian dynasty – Nero.
On the day of the Olympic games, the Coliseum opening killed 5,000 animals. hordes of gladiators fought with each other (around 900), and a naval battle took place. It is believed that over the entire history of the Coliseum’s use, 500,000 people and a million animals died.
In turn, the commonly used name of the Colosseum (Colosseum) does not derive from its “colossal size”, but from the nearby huge building (Greek kolossos) of the statue of Nero depicted as helios.