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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Monuments)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Roman basilica in London

The three-story basilica built by the Romans in Londinium, distant from the capital of the Empire, was the largest structure of this type located north of the Alps. Constructed in 70 CE, enlarged in the years 90-120, it was the seat of the then city authorities, administration, treasury, temples and courts.

The cellars of the barbershop with the visible foundations of the Roman  basilica

Villa of the Quintilii on Via Appia

Villa of the Quintilii on Via Appia (in Rome) was built by consuls from 151 CE – brothers Sextus Quintilius Valerius Maximus and Sextus Quintilius Condianus. The impressive remains of this suburban villa (villa suburbana) have survived to this day.

Villa Quintilius on Via Appia

Isca Augusta – Roman remains in Caerleon

Isca Augusta was a Roman fort and urban centre, whose remains are located nearby or in Caerleon, in South Wales. This is where the II Augustus legion camped, which took part in the invasion of Claudius in 43 CE. It was one of three permanent Roman camps in Britain that survived until the late Empire.

Roman Amphitheater in Caerleon

Amazing Roman theater in Aspendos

Amazing Roman theater in Aspendos, in Anatolia (southern Turkey). The facility was built in the middle of the 2nd century CE, on a natural slope. This theater is the best-preserved ancient theater in Asia Minor. The building was able to accommodate 12,000 spectators.

Amazing Roman theater in Aspendos

Remains of Roman bridge in Britain

In Piercebridge, northern England, there are preserved remains of a Roman bridge. The building connected two banks on the river Tees. Over the centuries, the river has narrowed and changed its course; therefore, the foundations are in the field.

Remains of a Roman bridge in Britain

Amphitheater in Pollenzo

Roman amphitheater in Pollenzo (Roman city Pollentia) no longer exists. However, the houses built on its foundations perfectly reflect its range and appearance.

Pollenzo Amphitheater

Colossi of Memnon – talking statue

Ancient tourists visiting Egypt were attracted by a pair of giant statues in Thebes, created in the fourteenth century BCE, near the Valley of the Kings: they were two figures sitting on the throne, each with a height of a six-story building.

Colossus of Memnon, or speaking statue

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