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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Other)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Are you up with your left foot again?

Greco-Roman texts provide a great deal of information about the ancients’ views on religious matters, many of which refer to very mundane matters. Often the superstitions of ordinary people from two thousand years ago are present and very popular superstitions. How many people have not stood up at least once with the famous “left leg”? Or vice versa, he ascribed his happiness to his right foot, as did the Germans and the English in their proverbs (“Auf rechten Füssen ist gut stehen” tudzież “Let’s get off on the right foot this year”)?

Left foot sculpture from the 4th century BCE. The object is from Egypt

Polar bears in ancient Rome?

According to the message of Titus Calpurnius Siculus, a Roman poet from the 3rd century CE, in ancient Rome, in the arenas of amphitheatres, bears were supposed to appear hunting for seals. The writer specifically mentions here an event during the reign of Emperor Nero (54-68 CE).

Polar bear

Soranus – outstanding Batavian warrior

A unique epitaph has survived to our times from the tombstone of a certain Soranus – a Batavian (Germanic tribe) soldier serving in the Roman army during the reign of Emperor Hadrian (117-138 CE). We are not sure if the inscription was written at the request of the deceased or the emperor himself, in exchange for his merits.

Epitaph of Soranus

First, second and third Rome

It is very difficult to overestimate the influence of the Roman Empire on the history of the world. In addition to architecture, language, alphabet, art, various technologies, a certain political model, ideology, is very important, recognizing Rome as a city that is given power over the whole world. Rome, however, in the 5th century CE collapsed… but the idea has survived and is still used successfully in some countries to this day.

Third Rome

Mommsen, Syme, the Nobel Prize, and Octavian Augustus

In common consciousness, the names Mommsen and Syme do not occupy a permanent place. However, they are certainly worth remembering, and in the case of an enthusiast of ancient Roman history, they must even be well known. What do these two characters have in common?

Theodor Mommsen, Ludwig Knaus

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