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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

“Wounded Warrior”

“Wounded warrior” sometimes also called “Farnese Gladiator” (from the collection of which he was part in modern times). The sculpture dates from the second century CE and is of course a Roman copy of an older Greek work probably made in the 5th century BCE (and for that reason alone he can’t portray a gladiator). According to ancient artistic convention, the figure is naked. This does not mean, however, that the ancient warriors did indeed fight without clothing. Such a performance is only to emphasize the heroism and beauty of the human body (so-called heroic nudity).

A wounded warrior

The highest paid athlete of all time

Gaius Apuleius Diocles was born in 104 CE in the province of Lusitania, which is located in what is now southern Portugal and southwestern Spain. He was born a free man or a slave, most likely he was also illiterate. Little is known about his youth and a lack of reliable information about him, but he was the best-paid athlete in history.

A mosaic showing a chariot race. Discovered in Cyprus

Ancient Romans wore underwear

Ancient Romans wore underwear. They were simple hip covers, tied on both sides. Roman lingerie had several terms, which was probably due to the many shapes and forms of clothing. It was referred to as subligar, subligaculum, campestre, licium or cinctus

Roman underwear

Roman ruins in Troia, Portugal

The Troia Peninsula, located south of Setubal and Lisbon (Portugal), played a very important role in the fisheries sector in Roman times. The center operated until the 6th century CE.

Roman ruins in Troia, Portugal

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