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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Romans and god Asclepius

Romans going to the temple of Asclepius (god of medicine and healing) sacrificed objects in the shape of a part of the body that was sick and needed healing. Those were votive offerings of healed parts of the body (eg. hands, legs).

Aesculapius with intertwined serpents

Unforgettable exploits of Antony

We can mention some of the better and unforgettable feats of Mark Antony. Once he started service under the supervision of Aulus Gabinius at the age of 26, in 57 BCE he suppressed the rise of the Judaeans under the leadership of Aristobulus, he went from Jerusalem to Pelusium, what no one expected, he defeated his old friend Archaelos, and then put on throne Ptolemy XII Auletes.

Mark Antony

Pyrrhic victory

“Pyrrhic victory” is a victory achieved at excessive cost, for example with large losses in people and war equipment that are disproportionate to the achieved results. The name comes from the name of the king of Epirus – Pyrrus, who in the third century BCE waged a war against Rome. He had i.e. heavy losses but won at the battle of Asculum in 279 BCE.


Dies lustricus – day of purification

Dies lustricus (“day of purification”) was a Roman rite that was carried out for newborns. In the case of girls, it was carried out on the eighth day of birth, and for boys on the ninth.

Roman child

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