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Curiosities of ancient Rome
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Sebasteion – temple of cult of Roman emperors
Aphrodisias – an ancient city in the area of present-day Turkey, was already known in the Hellenistic era due to the numerous marble deposits and dynamically operating sculptural workshops. In addition, crowds of the faithful drew this city because of the temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite.
Clodius and son of king of Armenia
After the restoration of the throne to the king of Armenia, Tigranes II, Pompey the Great took with himself to Rome his son – also Tigranes. First, he placed him at home, later – with the praetor Lucius Flavius.
“Exception that proves the rule” – where does the saying come from?
“Exception that proves the rule” (Exceptio probat regulam) – these were the words that come up during the defense of Cornelius Balbus in ancient Rome. Cornelius Balbo was not a Roman by birth but received Roman citizenship. This decision was contested, arguing that there are agreements prohibiting the granting of citizenship to members of certain tribes.
Small Roman bust of a child
Small Roman bust of a child. The object is located in a museum at the castle in Colchester (built on the foundations of the temple of Claudius). In Roman times, the city was called Camulodunum or Colonia Claudia Victricensis.
No pain for Marius
Roman general, Gaius Marius, was extremely resistant to suffering. He was the first to treat leg varicose veins without being tied up.
Perversions of Emperor Tiberius on Capri
Emperor Tiberius is judged very differently by posterity. The reign of Tiberius was a period of peace and good management for ordinary people in the provinces but for the spheres of the Roman aristocracy a time of increasing tyranny and terror. His last years of reign have gone down in history, which he spent in isolation on the island of Capri. There, according to Suetonius, he was supposed to organize really perverse games.
Felix Bull – archetype of “good” bandits
Bull Felix was a legendary Italian bandit operating in the years 205-207 CE, during the reign of Septimius Severus. He gathered under his command a band of about 600 men: escaped slaves, freedmen and former soldiers of the praetorian guard expelled by the emperor. He competed with Roman legionaries and could not be caught. The story of this rebel comes from the message of Cassius Dio, a Greek historian and Roman senator, and it is believed that it became the prototype for later legends about “good” bandits like Zorro, Scarlet flower or Robin Hood.