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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Silver fibula depicting Leda and swan

Roman silver fibula depicting famous mythological scene of Leda and the swan (actually Zeus/Jupiter). Object dated back to 3rd century CE. It was found in Ulpijana (southern Serbia).

Silver brooch with a swan and Leda

Roman toys

Roman toys that children played with were called crepundia. There were popular rag, clay or wax dolls, wooden horses on wheels.

Roman horse toy

Roman objects found in grave in Naissus

Roman objects found in a grave in ancient Naissus, present-day city of Niš (south-eastern Serbia). Objects are dated back to 4th century CE. Finding consists of enamelled jug, glass cup, two dice numerated from 1 to 6, and 24 tokens – 2 made of marble and 22 made of bone, with numeration and without it.

Roman items found in the tomb at Naissus

Skeleton of Roman woman with jewelry

Skeleton of Roman woman with jewelry – golden necklace with glass paste beads, golden ring, pendand with purple semi-precious stone, bronze pendants. It was found in ancient Viminacium, Roman town located near Kostolac (eastern Serbia). Dated back to II-III century CE.

The skeleton of a Roman woman with jewelry

Roman fashion

According to Roman fashion, feasts were organized in the so-called triclinium. In the middle of the room, the table was set up, and the sofas around it, leaving one side “unmarked” (something like a horseshoe was created).
Triclinia could have different sizes – in the picture we can see the smallest possible triclinium, consisting of three sofas. Most often, however, it consisted of nine couches arranged around the table.

Roman fashion

Impurities on Roman streets

The picture shows stone blocks in Pompeii. They made it possible for residents not to get dirty and not to walk on the lower level of the road, where all impurities accumulated.

Passages in Roman streets in Pompeii

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