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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Ancient fast-food

Ancient fast-food in Ostia. Probably the Romans were the first to invent “fast food” restaurants. In Pompeii, several places were discovered that offered quick food to residents. Such an ancient fast-food bar was called thermopolium (literally “a place where something warm is sold”) or opinae.

Ancient fast-food

Stroke of Valentinian I

Emperor Valentinian I in 375 CE commanded Roman troops in Illyria, where he tried to suppress the rebellion of the Sarmatians and the Quadi. The situation was so stalwart that both sides sought agreement.

Valentinian I

Golden burial wreath

Golden burial wreath worn on the head of the deceased. Made of golden oak leaves and acorns. Dated to around I-II century CE.

Golden funerary wreath

Caesar and pirates

In 75 BCE, while travelling to Rhodes to study with Apolloninos Molon, the 25-year-old Gaius Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Cilician pirates (praedo). The Cilicians, inhabiting what is now southeastern Turkey, according to Plutarch, were “the most murderous of men”.

Caesar and the pirates

Meals of Roman legionaries

Roman legionaries’ meals were mainly based on wheat from which mush or mash was created – it was called pulse or flat bread (pane). Barley was considered a grain suitable only for animals and Greeks. Various legumes, onions, cabbage and other vegetables were added to the dishes. Meat, however, was eaten little, but that does not mean that the soldiers were vegetarian.

Romans in Germania 1st century CE

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