Roman mosaic floor that shows scenes from Virgil’s “Aeneid”, exactly the love relationship between Aeneas and Dido, Queen of Carthage. The object is dated to the middle of the 4th century CE discovered in the so-called “Low Ham Roman Villa” in the South West of England.
The ruler invited the hero to a feast so that he would tell her about the destruction of Troy and his own adventures. Throughout the feast, Dido kept little Ascanius on her lap, who had scarred the queen in the area of the heart. In fact, however, it was not the son of Aeneas, but the Amor who made the Queen fall in love with Aeneas. From that moment on, she organized feasts and hunts to keep her beloved with her. One night, however, Aeneas received a message from the gods that Carthage was not the end of his journey. The Trojan decided to leave the city and sail away. Dido out of despair after the departure of Aeneas, pierced herself with a sword, previously cursing Aeneas. It was the beginning of the age-old hatred of Rome and Carthage.