Pangiallo – yellow bread
In the Latium region to this day, one of the typical Christmas cakes is the so-called yellow bread – pangiallo. Its roots go back to the era of the Roman Empire.
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The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
In the Latium region to this day, one of the typical Christmas cakes is the so-called yellow bread – pangiallo. Its roots go back to the era of the Roman Empire.
Pine (Pinus pinea) has been a sacred tree in the Apennine Peninsula since the Punic Wars (well before the advent of our era). A frequent element of the landscape, it was a symbol of eternity.
Daqin (literally “Great Qin”) was the historic name for the Roman Empire in China. This name comes from the Chinese dynasty founded by Qin Shihuangdi, which ruled the Qin state. This ruler was also the first emperor of a united China in 221 BCE.
Roman citizen Caecina Petus was involved in a plot (42 CE) against Emperor Claudius. Sentenced to death by the emperor, he was to take his own life. He hesitated, however, and could not dare to deal himself a fatal blow.
Emperor Hadrian (reigning in the years 117-138 CE) became famous as one of the so-called “five good emperors”. His reign was a period of stabilization and order in the country, which did not wage serious conflicts and gave up conquests. His numerous travels and visits to the provinces probably tempted him to implement a vast project – building a huge mansion in Tivoli, which was to be a place of relaxation and seclusion.
The costs of training the gladiator were very high – in the order of tens of thousands of sesterces. Hardly any school would allow itself, colloquially speaking, in a “shambles” in which many students would lose their lives. In addition, it should be emphasized that a doctor was often admitted to the arena so that he would quickly treat the wounded and prevent a possible permanent loss of health. The doctor then assessed which gladiator was fit for the fight, and which, after his wounds, was crippled.
Divide and conquer (divide et impera) is the principle of the conquest and subjugation of peoples by constantly inciting internal conflicts in conquered territories and acting as the mediator of conflicting parties. This method was already known in the ancient world, and the ancient Romans were the masters in its application.
The preserved remains of Roman mosaics throughout the former Roman Empire are proof that wealthy Romans loved to decorate their homes. The works of art depicted various images: heroes, gods, women, animals, etc.
On January 10, 49 BCE Gaius Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River in northern Italy and thus started a civil war against Pompey and the Senate. In the days of the Roman Republic, the Rubicon was a border river between Pre-Alpine Gaul and Italy, and due to the growing political power of Julius Caesar, the Senate drew a border on the river, which he could not cross due to your legions. It was supposed to be a safeguard against a possible coup d’état.