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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Quintessence of apotheosis of Roman emperors – most significant visualization of power of Roman Empire right next to triumph

Paul Zanker in his book “Apoteoza cesarzy rzymskich. Rytuał i przestrzeń miejska” accurately describes the ritual of apotheosis, also known as consecratio. At the same time, he comes to interesting general conclusions, comparing the apotheosis with contemporary mass events, such as the Oktoberfest. He explains that since the dawn of time, man has preferred to be in a community with certain rules and unique values. A Roman watching the solemn “Ascension” of the Emperor felt proud, a Pole who participated in the Independence March celebrations was proud.

Roman work of art made of sardonyx, showing the apotheosis of Emperor Claudius. Dated to the 1st century CE

Oak in the culture of the ancient Romans

On the occasion of the ongoing Olympic Games, it is worth mentioning that the plant that is directly associated with the everyday life of ancient Romans is the noble laurel (Laurus nobilis). The image of the winner of the Olympics is a figure of a man with a proudly raised head, on which there is a laurel wreath, decorated with laurel leaves. What if our image was not true and instead of the characteristic lanceolate leaves we would see pinnate oak leaves adorning his temple?

Coin showing emperor Galba with a corona civica on his head

Shakespeare and Caesar

William Shakespeare, the famous English playwright, known to schoolchildren mainly as the creator of Hamlet and Macbeth, wrote many plays about the lives of historical figures, mainly of the old English kings. Among his works, however, there are also some directly related to ancient Rome, such as the drama about the life and the death of Julius Caesar. How faithfully did the writer render the events of March and the days after them? Did he change and colour the story, or did he base his work on detailed accounts of ancient historians?

William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

About marital fidelity

There are many examples of marital fidelity in ancient Rome. Often, when one of the parties died, the other often took her own life in a gesture of despair.

Elisabetta Sirani, Porcia Wounding Her Thigh

Battle of Aquae Sextiae – great victory of Romans

Battle of Aquae Sextiae (southern France) in 102 BCE was one of the greatest and most important victories of the Roman legions. Rome had to defend itself against the invasion of two Germanic tribes: Teutons and Cimbri, who at Arausio in Gaul in 105 BCE. they caused the Romans a great defeat. According to Titus Livius, about 80,000 Romans were to die during this battle. It was one of the greatest defeats of the Roman army in history.

John Harris Valda, Battle of Aquae Sextiae

Old women in Rome

Roman writers and the upper Roman classes in general, despite their privileged position, were afraid to go too far in criticizing women, as it could cost them a lot (women were treated with some respect, nevertheless, especially as long as they were able to bear children). Old women were an exception because of their social and moral consent. As the position of women grew, there were these old women portrayed as mischievous wags and witches.

The head of an elderly woman. A copy of a Greek sculpture from the 3rd-2nd century BCE

First dentures

From about 700 BCE the Etruscans, people who lived in Etruria (today’s Umbria and Tuscany in Italy), were the first able to create dentures and artificial teeth. The teeth were either from another person or from an animal such as an ox – they were placed in a golden rim with a metal pin/tang and fitted to the remaining teeth. Only the rich could afford such a “dentist”.

First dentures

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