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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

How did the Romans capture animals for the Colosseum?

The Roman games involved vast numbers of animals. Some animals were performers. Elephants balanced on ropes, bowed to the emperor and traced out words with their trunks. Lions gummed their trainers’ hands and played fetch with live hares. Monkeys dressed as soldiers rode goats around the arena.

Venator attacks the leopard with a spear

Largest construction disaster of ancient Rome

The Romans left behind many wonderful buildings, many of them have survived to this day in a better or worse condition. Amphitheatres, where crowds of people gathered to see gladiatorial battles, enjoyed great popularity among the Romans. Unfortunately, one of them resulted in a huge tragedy as a result of miserliness, which resulted in a number of deaths compared to the losses of Roman legions in the battle of the Teutoburg Forest 9 CE.

The Amphitheater in Pula Croatia

Words in ancient Rome

How did ancient Romans speak? According to scholars, there is no unequivocal answer to this question. The Latin language has changed a lot during the course of centuries. Linguists believe that the ancient pronunciation may have been very different from the one we know today.

Portrait of Julius Caesar, Mark James Miller

Senatus consultum ultimum

Senatus consultum ultimum1, or “final decree of the Senate”, was an extraordinary resolution adopted by the Roman Senate in the event of a significant threat to the state. This term took shape during the late republic and was intended to inform high officials of Rome of the existing danger.

Gaius Gracchus summoned by the senate, Pierre-Nicolas Brisset

Messages on missiles to sling

In the vicinity of the current city of Perugia (central Italy) and the centre itself, numerous missiles up to These little lead nuggets gave us information about what the psychological fight was like in ancient times.

Messages on Roman missiles for proc

Attempt to curb governors’ offences

Ancient Romans after they conquered in the second century BCE a large part of the Mediterranean, they had to learn to rule the conquered peoples. Often, however, governors used their offices to exploit the inhabitants and generate their wealth.

Roman senators

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