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Uprising that broke out because of love

This post is also available in: Polish (polski)

Slaves on Roman mosaic
Slaves on Roman mosaic

Ancient Rome was shaken by slave uprisings that were usually caused by the mistreatment of slaves. However, there was one uprising that was more romantic. Titus Vettius, who came from a good equities house, fell in love with a beautiful slave who belonged to another Roman.

The youngster in love wanted to buy out his beloved from captivity, but that he could not afford to pay the full amount, he asked to postpone its repayment date. After the set deadline, he failed to accumulate the appropriate amount, which is why he decided to buy 500 armour, which he equipped his slaves and began to fight with neighbours in the Campaign, freeing their subjects. Due to the great success of the rebellion, he began to organize his own army modelled on a Roman one, dividing it into centuries. The Roman authorities considered the situation very dangerous and sent a propretor, Lucius Lucullus. There was a decisive battle in which the rebels suffered defeat as a result of the betrayal of the commander’s friend – Apollonius.

Author: Grzegorz Poturalski

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