Roman road and urban centers discovered in northern England
During construction works carried out in 2017 on the A1 motorway, leading from London to Edinburgh, traces of the existence of Roman urban centres and an ancient road were found.
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All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
During construction works carried out in 2017 on the A1 motorway, leading from London to Edinburgh, traces of the existence of Roman urban centres and an ancient road were found.
A temple dedicated to Mithras was discovered on the French island of Corsica. This is the first find of this type in this place. The building was built in the Roman city of Mariana, which was founded in the 1st century BCE.
In 2017, near Guadalajara in central Spain, the ruins of a city from the times of the Roman Empire were found. Archaeologists believe it is Caraca – an ancient city mentioned in the 2nd century CE by the Greek geographer and mathematician Claudius Ptolemy.
In 2017, in Langrolay-sur-Rance in northwestern France, archaeologists discovered a large Roman estate that had its own thermal baths.
During the repair of the sewage system in Rome, a Roman statue of Hercules was discovered in one of the parks. The object is probably 2000 years old.
Construction work for a subway in Algiers, Algeria, has revealed ancient artifacts, including coins, weapons and remains of Roman public buildings from the 5th century CE.
A 1,800-year-old sanctuary of the god Mithras has been discovered in Spain. The discovery was made during excavations at a Roman villa (the so-called Villa del Mitra) in Cabra, southern Spain.
In 2017, Roman baths were discovered in the English city of Chester-le-Street. The remains of the building were found in the garden of one of the residences. The discovery sheds new light on the history of the region where the Roman camp of Concangis was located.
In Milan, you can admire the full-size, reconstructed colossus of Constantine the Great until the 27th of February. One of the elements of the Recycling Beauty exhibition, it is the result of a collaboration between Musei Capitolini, Fondazione Prada, and Factum Foundation, with scientific supervision directed by Claudio Parisi Presicce, the Capitoline Superintendent of Cultural Heritage.
In rural Syria, ancient Roman wells are still in use. For a population that has to endure a tragic conflict on a daily basis, wells are often the only way to survive.