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Guest posts
Another trailer of “Barbarians” from Netflix
Another trailer for the new Netflix production has appeared – “Barbarians”. An interesting fact is that the actors in the series will use Latin and German.
Horse or cook?
The value of the horse was enormous in terms of communication, transport and, above all, its military use in battle. Traditionally, the ancients emphasized the uniqueness of Bucephalus, the horse that had long accompanied Alexander the Great during his military conquests.
Seneca among gladiators!
The fate of the gladiators was difficult. Although despised and kept briefly in closed barracks, they knew very well about the views of the notables of their time, especially in matters concerning them.
Netflix: new historical series “Barbarians”
There is a trailer of Netflix’s newest production in times of ancient Rome – “Barbarians”. The series will tell the story of the Teutoburg Forest massacre in 9 CE. The premiere is to take place next week.
Woman in light of law…
In the Greco-Roman and Jewish worlds, women had very limited rights. Roman jurists knew this. Papinianus stated directly: In many provisions of our law, the position of woman is worse than of man.
Eifel aqueduct in Cologne
The capital of the province of Lower Germania, the city of Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium (today’s Cologne, Germany), due to its importance, had a high demand for running water. It was collected from the mountainous Eifel region 100 km away, thanks to an aqueduct capable of transporting up to 200,000 cubic meters of water per day.