Ludi Plebeii – plebeian games – a holiday in honor of Jupiter, which lasted until November 17th. This religious holiday was a splendor of plebeian political freedom – either the expulsion of the last king or the abolition of patricians. During this holiday there was a festa in honor of Jupiter (November 13), Epulum lovis – a riding parade (November 14) and theatrical performances (ludi scaenici), races and games – ludi circenses (November 15-17). Ludi were established in 216 BCE, and were held in Circus Flaminius, until the 4th century CE.
Circus Flaminius was the object that was commissioned by the plebeian censor Gaius Flaminius in 220 BCE. It is possible that Ludi Plebeii were created on the initiative of this censor as an expression of the will to strengthen the position of plebeians in Rome. It is worth adding that the majority of the games took place in the powerful Circus Maximus.
According to Cicero Ludi Plebeii were the oldest ludi. It is believed that the first games of this type took place in the year 220 BCE, or even earlier. It was accepted that the public festival was held for the first time in 220 BCE.