Marcomannic wars
(167-180 CE)
Marcomannic wars were fights between the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes in the Middle Danube limes zone in the years 167-180 CE.
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(167-180 CE)
Marcomannic wars were fights between the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes in the Middle Danube limes zone in the years 167-180 CE.
(58–63 CE)
In 58 CE there was a rivalry between the Romans and the Parthians for influence in Armenia. As a result, the Roman-Parthian war broke out (58-63 CE).
(60-61 CE)
Uprising of Boudicca (60-61 CE) was the greatest British uprising against Roman domination. Boudika brought about an agreement between the British tribes of the south and west of England and led the uprising.
(62-61 BCE)
Julius Caesar went down in history as the conqueror of Gaul and the creator of a new system, which found followers in various epochs. Little known to the general public are his military activities at the earlier stages of his career, i.e. during his tenure as pro-prime minister in Spain, where the future winner of the Gauls for the first time commanded a larger group of troops.
(13-16 CE)
After the Varus' defeat, the superstitious Romans did not rebuild the lost legions, nor did they use any more of their numbering. However, they never gave up their retaliation for the defeat inflicted on them by the Germans. Germanicus was to take the revenge on the Germans.
(till 117 CE)
Wars fought by the Roman Empire in the east until 117 CE.
(1st BCE - 2nd century CE)
Conflicts between Rome and the Parthians began in 53 BCE when Roman legions, led by Commander Marcus Crassus, entered Mesopotamia.
(43-31 BCE)
When Julius Caesar was murdered in 44 BCE, Rome was engulfed in civil war once again. At that time, the so-called II triumvirate.
(3rd - 5th century CE)
After the Parthians were replaced by the Sassanid dynasty in 224 CE the fighting in the east of the Roman Empire increased enormously.
(3rd century - 65 BCE)
Piracy was a serious nuisance in ancient times. The pirates from Cilicia, whom Rome declared war on, were particularly infamous. According to Pliny the Elder, the most pirate attacks were in the period from May to September, therefore the safest place for merchant ships, contrary to appearances, was to sail in the winter when the sea was restless.