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The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.

Province of Osroene in Roman politics

Looking through the list of Roman provinces, most of them are easily identified on a modern map, e.g. Gaul is today’s France, Moesia is Bulgaria and Serbia, and Britain is England. Libya and Egypt function as countries with the same name even today.

An iconographic depiction of the king of Osroene - Abgar V - reigned in the years 4 BCE - 7 CE and 13 CE – 50 CE

First-hand information about business travel

Today, business travel is standard all over the world. A multitude of means of transport, a wide range of accommodations and other facilities, such as telecommunications, make travelling for business purposes quick, comfortable and safe. And what were such issues like in the vast Roman Empire? The answer comes from the detailed, and therefore extremely valuable, journals and letters of a certain official who meticulously recorded his travels.

Cursus publicus - post office of ancient Rome

About ancient gluttons

Greeks taught the Romans not only philosophy but also feasting. Greek symposiums were imitated by Roman elites, and the tables were simply laden with dishes, the splendour of which can be seen, for example, thanks to the preserved cookbook of Apicius.

Roman mosaic showing a feast

Veterans in Late Republic

An army has always been an extremely important element in Rome’s politics. His influence was manifested in every field of life in the state. The early Roman army was non-professional and functioned as a citizen militia. When necessary, citizens were called to arms. However, not all of them, because each citizen should arm himself, and for this, he needed the appropriate means.

Julius Caesar at the head of the Roman army

Rome – country with two languages

Ancient Rome was a multicultural state, which owed its relative prosperity to the skilful balancing between the strength of the Roman army in the occupied territories and openness to local culture and non-interference in the everyday life of conquered peoples as much as possible. However, this apparent openness of the Romans to these cultures was not altruistic. Ultimately, significant inhabitants of the conquered areas adopted the Roman way of being and language, which degraded local cultures by merging with Latin culture. In the case of Greek, however, the complete opposite happened. It was the Romans who, after conquering Hellas, propagated this language not only in the east but also in the west of the empire.

Henryk Siemiradzki, The patrician's siesta

Aurelian Wall – masterpiece of Roman technology and construction engineering

Romans left behind many buildings – amphitheatres, roads, aqueducts, temples and forums. Is that all? It turns out not; the walls, and in particular the Aurelian Wall, is an example of the pragmatism, ingenuity and genius of Roman engineers. About 19 kilometres long, with hundreds of towers, thirteen gates and over a hundred latrines – these are just a few numbers behind which there is an extremely interesting history of the city and the empire.

Aurelian Wall

Advertising in ancient Rome

In the modern world, advertising accompanies us at every step. It may concern all manifestations of human activity: trade, politics, art, etc. The desire to promote one’s own products or a person seems to be inscribed in human nature. It was no different in ancient Rome. However, the means of disseminating advertising were very different from those we know today.

Garum of Scaurus

Manus and marriage

As is well known, women in ancient Rome had very limited rights, but their social position was much stronger than that of Greek women. Despite this, she still remained completely dependent on men – first her father and then her husband. Manus, or the passing of the wife under the authority of the husband, was closely related to the institution of marriage. If we combine the concepts of marriage and manus, this requires more explanation.

Aldobrandini Wedding

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