Agrippina the Younger
(c. 16 - 59 CE)
Agrippina the Younger was the daughter of general Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder. Her son was Neron, whom she placed on the Roman throne with the help of intrigue.
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In the history of ancient Rome, appeared many famous figures. Many of them have been remembered as cruel tyrants, eg. Caligula, Nero or Caracalla. Others, on the other hand, became famous as great reformers: Augustus, Claudius, Marcus Aurelius, Diocletian, and Constantine the Great. Also, do not forget about the Roman commanders, who often rescued the Roman state from extermination.
The great creators of Roman culture who also significantly influenced the further development of the world were also remembered. I will present people who have become famous for their great deeds.
(c. 16 - 59 CE)
Agrippina the Younger was the daughter of general Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder. Her son was Neron, whom she placed on the Roman throne with the help of intrigue.
(31 August 12 - 24 January 41 CE)
Caligula was a Roman emperor in the years 37 - 41 CE. The son of the great Roman leader, Germanicus, was originally adored by the crowds. Unexpectedly, on November 37 CE Caligula fell into an unknown serious disease, and after recovering from this he became cruel and unpredictable.
(c. 7 - 67 CE)
Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo was a Roman commander. He was famous for his victories in Lower Germany and the conflict between Rome and the Party over Armenia.
(? - c. 62 CE)
Lucius Cecilus Iucundus was a Roman banker who lived in Pompeii in the years 20-62 CE. Some of his house and bills have survived to our times.
(? - 84 CE)
Pomponia Graecina lived in the 1st century CE. She was the wife of the Roman commander and conqueror of Britain Aulus Plautius. She was accused in 57 CE of professing "foreign superstition", which is often associated with Christianity.
(c. 4 BCE - 65 CE)
Seneca the Younger was a rhetorician, writer, poet and Roman philosopher. Called the "Philosopher" he was the teacher and guardian of Nero at the beginning of his reign.