Decency according to Valerius Maximus
In the work Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri novem by Valerius Maximus, we can see the characters and behaviours that the author distinguished in the context of decency and dignified life.
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The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
In the work Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri novem by Valerius Maximus, we can see the characters and behaviours that the author distinguished in the context of decency and dignified life.
Gaius Julius Caesar was a famous lover and seducer of Roman women of high society. One of the Roman women he seduced was the mother of Marcus Brutus – Servilla.
As per the ancient sources, Emperor Octavian Augustus one day noticed a member of equites who was eating during the games. He was to say: “If I want to dine, I go home”. The latter was to answer him in the following way:
Pompey the Great was famous for his courage and bravery. In 58 BCE he assumed the position of praefectus annonae, who oversaw grain deliveries to Rome. It was a unique position that the edile normally covered under its authority during the republic. However, in the event of major food crises, a special officer was appointed for 5 years.
One day a man very similar to Octavian Augustus was to come to Rome. He ordered him to be brought and asked: “Was your mother ever in Rome?”. The young man was supposed to answer in the following way.
Emperor Titus (39-81 CE) ensured that none of his petitioners was left without an answer. Once, when he was accused of promising more than he could fulfil, he replied: “It is not right for anyone to go away sorrowful from an interview with his emperor”.
It is said that one time Octavian Augustus removed an official from his position. He asked him for a financial donation, justifying it as follows: “My point is that it would seem that I voluntarily resigned from office and received a gratification from you for it”.
As we read in the message Pliny the Elder, the Egyptian Nile River gives birth to large creatures, among whom he lists hippos. According to the Roman researcher, the skin of the animal is very durable and is used to create shields and helmets. However, when the skin is properly soaked, its durability decreases.
The reign of Tiberius (14-37 CE) was for ordinary people in the provinces a period of peace and good state management, but for the spheres of the Roman aristocracy, a time of increasing tyranny and terror. This was largely due to the influence at the Roman court achieved by Sejanus – the praetorian prefect – who sought to seize power and surrounded himself with trusted people.