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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Roman saddle with preserved horns

Roman saddle with preserved horns, made of bronze. The object is dated to the 1st century CE and is on display at the Dominikanermuseum Rottweil in Germany. The horns were found at Fort I and II in Rottweil.

Roman saddle with preserved horns and reconstruction

Ancient oil lamps from Marsala

Ancient oil lamps discovered in the area of ​​ancient Marsalia (Lilybaeum). Objects dated to the 1st BCE – 1st century CE. The objects were probably used for religious purposes; located in the Parco Archeologico di Lilibeo in Marsala (Sicily).

Ancient oil lamps from Marsala

Roman treasure from Ostróda

The museum in Ostróda has a treasure of Roman coins from the 1st-2nd century CE. Found during excavations in a nearby settlement. It was probably a “gift” of Rome to the tribes in return for peace and friendship.

Roman treasure from Ostróda

Scenes of hunting in Roman mosaic

Roman mosaic floor that adorns one of the rooms in the famous villa – Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily. A fragment of a large mosaic shows hunting scenes and nature. Artist incl. showed plants that grew in the vicinity of the building – oaks and cypresses.

Scenes of hunting in Roman mosaic

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