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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Silver coin of Volusianus

The silvered antoninianus of Emperor Volusianus from 251 CE. Volusianus (Gaius Vibius Afinius Gallus Veldumnianus Volusianus) was the son of Emperor Trebonian Gala, with whom he co-ruled the Roman state in the years 251-253 CE.

Silver coin of Volusianus

Portrait of young woman stuck to mummy

The portrait of a young woman stuck to the mummy with bandages was assumed to be the deceased. Scientists using x-rays estimated the age of the deceased at age 40, which suggests that the portrait shows the deceased in adolescence.

Portrait of young woman stuck to mummy

2,000-year-old Roman brooch

A 2000-year-old Roman fibula – a decorative clip used to fasten garments. Many examples from the world of the Romans have survived to our times.

2,000-year-old Roman brooch

Carved into stone wall Mithra killing a bull

Carved into a stone wall Mithra killing a bull; object dated to the 2nd century CE. Mithreum (temple dedicated to the cult of Mithra) is located in the ancient city of Dura Europos on the Euphrates, in present-day Syria, which was at that time on the border between the Roman Empire and the Parthian state.

Carved into stone wall Mithra killing a bull

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