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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Monuments)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Southern Agora in Aphrodisias

The South Agora of Aphrodisias, located in southwestern Turkey, was one of two public squares within the ancient city. Agora was founded in the 1st century CE and until now it was seen as a place of trade and market. However, the latest archaeological research has proved that this space served as a park, with a monumental fountain, swimming pool, promenade.

South Agora in Aphrodisias

Roman cemetery in Fiskardo

Roman cemetery in Fiskardo (island of Kefalonia, Greece) was discovered in 1993. The place is dated to the 2nd-4th century CE. During the excavations, 47 graves were found and there is a conjecture that further remains of the cemetery are located under the nearby road.

Roman burial ground in Fiskardo

Roman villa of Skala

Roman villa of Skala (island of Kefalonia, Greece) was discovered in 1957. Situated on the southern coast, it certainly offered a beautiful view. Six rooms have survived to our times: a hall, three rooms, a smaller room and an open courtyard. The villa certainly also had its own bathroom with a heating system – hypocaustum.

Roman villa in Skala

Villa Rustica near Zurich

Near Zurich (Switzerland) are the remains of a Roman village villa (Villa Rustica). Initially, in the 1st century CE, the building consisted of a simple structure and one large room. With time, the chamber was extended in several stages and received various wings, including a bathhouse, a barn and rooms for servants. The villa was located in the province of Germania Superior.

Villa Rustica near Zurich

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