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Curiosities of ancient Rome
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Roman coin depicting Galla Placidia
Roman gold coin (solidus) depicting Elia Galla Placidia. The object is dated to the 5th century CE. The coin was minted in Aquileia (Italy) and was found near Prokuplje in south-eastern Serbia.
Roman coin with three imperial images
Roman coin with three imperial images. The object is dated to the 3rd-4th century CE. The artifact was found in the remains of ancient Viminacium, near the city of Kostolac, in eastern Serbia.
Amazing Grotto of Catullus
Grotto of Catullus is the name given to the ruins of a powerful Roman villa built at the turn of the eras, at the very end of the peninsula overlooking Lake Garda, in Sirmione. In the Renaissance era, ruins of ancient buildings, which were overgrown with lush greenery, were defined as “grottos”.
Beautiful Roman mask from Serbia
Beautiful Roman mask – of a ceremonial nature – which is part of the helmet. The object dates to the 2nd century CE. The artifact was found in the Roman castrum in Kostol, near the remains of the Trajan’s Bridge, in eastern Serbia.
Nepotism in ancient Rome
The political career in ancient Rome followed a strictly defined pattern, the so-called Cursus honorum. The first stage was a 10-year military service in the Roman legions or alongside the general who was a relative or friend of the family.
Geta and Caracalla – evil brothers
Geta and Caracalla were sons of emperor Septimius Severus. Both, according to the will of the dying father, were to share power in the Empire, without a clear division of powers and territory. This fact alone hindered cooperation between them. However, the deeper cause of the conflict that was about to break out between the brothers was the sincere hatred they had had since early childhood. They were not even prevented by the consent forced by their father’s grave, to which their mother Julia Domna urged her co-emperors.
Roman letter with ask for supplies for Saturnalia
Roman wooden tablet, which acted as a letter. Still we can read that sender is asking for the supply of food for the Saturnalia festival. The object comes from Vindolanda (northern England).
Ancient Roman baths
Nowadays, we associate stays in thermal baths with biological regeneration and that’s basically the end. And how was it in antiquity?