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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Stele of Roman archer

Stele of the Roman archer Caius Iulius Andromachus, who belonged to the Cohors II Cyrrestarum cohort. According to the inscription, he was 42 years-old once died. The object is dated from 40-82 CE and is located in Split.

Stele of a Roman archer

3 key Roman armor

Roman legions conquered more peoples and lands not only thanks to their organization and discipline but also thanks to armament that was really high quality. In addition to offensive equipment (pilum, pugio, gladius) also had very good armour.

Lorica segmentata

Beautiful words of Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor in the years 161-180 CE, was one of the most eminent and best educated Roman emperors. Because of his unusual interest in philosophy, he was called a “philosopher on the throne”. Many of his thoughts have survived to our times, which we can find in his “Meditations”. One of the most beautiful is the following.

Marcus Aurelius

Hibernia – Roman Ireland

Hibernia is the Latin name of Ireland (also known as Britannia Hibernia), given to it by the Romans. The Roman name was transformed into Hibernia because of its similarity to the word hibernus – “winter”.

Map of the British Isles from 1654 with Hibernia

Brushing teeth in Roman times was routine

Brushing teeth in Roman times was an inseparable element of personal hygiene. However, modern people would not use the substances used by the Romans. They believed, for example, that hard ingredients allowed teeth to maintain strength – for this purpose, crushed bones and oyster shells from which the mixture was made.

Brushing your teeth in Roman times was routine

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