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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.


The main difference between a male and a female gladiator was the fact that a woman fighting in the arena was not a slave. Probably in the later Roman period, gladiatrices (singular gladiatrix) were also people from slavery. Originally, however, women voluntarily took part in gladiatorial battles, seeking adventures.


Roman glass painted cup

Rare example of a Roman glass, painted cup decorated with a motif depicting a stage from the theater. Certainly the subject belonged to a representative of the Roman elite. 

A rare example of a painted glass mug

Roman limestone stele

Roman limestone stele of a young girl and a dog. The girl is playing with a dog. Object was found in Alexandria (Egypt). Dated back to 2nd century BCE.

Roman limestone stele

“Fenwick Treasure”

In 2014, during the excavations that preceded the expansion of the Williams and Griffin Fenwick department store on High Street in Colchester, a Roman treasure dated to the 60’s of the first century CE was discovered. Because of the place of discovery, the find was called as the “Fenwick Treasure”.

The Treasure Of Fenwick

Nicolaus of Damascus

Nicolaus of Damascus (around 64 BCE – around 14 CE) came from one of the finest families in Coele-Syria; he was a friend and a trusted diplomat of Herod the Great. He traveled alongside Herod in all oikumene, the community – helping in his diplomatic missions, including to Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen. After the death of Cleopatra and Mark Antony she was their tutor children who were taken care of by Octavia, sister of Octavian Augustus.

Roman aqueduct in Tarquinia (central Italy)

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