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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Reconstructions)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Impressive reconstruction of city walls of Lilybaeum
Lilybaeum (today’s Marsala) was an ancient city founded on the initiative of Carthaginians, who considered the southwestern coast of Sicily as their base of operations on the island. The walls were connected in a straight line and separated a fragment of the area with the fortress.
Visualization of Golden House of Nero
Visualization of Golden House of Nero in Rome. The Golden House of Nero, also called Domus Aurea, was a Roman palace Emperor Nero located between the Palatine and Esquiline hills. Construction works began in 64 CE and were conducted until 68 CE. They were discontinued after the emperor’s death. It was in the “Golden House” that Nero spent his last day of life in 68 CE.
Reconstruction of boxer’s sculpture
Reconstruction of the famous ancient sculpture depicting a boxer in rest. It shows a naked boxer resting. The man was presented extremely realistically: you can see the furrows under the eye and blood on his body.
Reconstruction of Hadrian’s nymphaeum in Perge
Reconstruction of Hadrian’s nymphaeum in Perge, in the south of Turkey. The ancient city existed even before the Roman rule, but it was the Romans who made the city one of the most beautiful in Asia Minor. To this day, in Perge there are remains of a pillared street, a bathhouse, a theater and a stadium.
Reconstruction of Roman amphitheater in Aquincum
Reconstruction of the Roman amphitheater in Aquincum (present Budapest, Hungary). It is one of two such objects in the current Hungarian capital. The presented amphitheater was smaller (it could hold up to 7,000 spectators) and was built in the 3rd century CE.
Reconstruction of sculpture of Augustus of Prima Porta
Reconstruction of the famous sculpture of Octavian Augustus of Prima Porta by History in 3D. The color residues on the object were visible to the naked eye shortly after its discovery. However, thanks to the preserved pigments in marble and historical sources, it was possible to recreate the color of the sculpture.
Reconstruction of kitchen in Roman bar
Interesting reconstruction of the kitchen in a Roman street bar (coupona or thermopolium), located in the Lugdunum museum in the French city of Lyon.
Visualization of tenement house in ancient Rome
A very interesting visualization of a tenement house in ancient Rome, the so-called insula. Insula was the residence of ordinary Roman citizens, something like the present blocks. The tenement houses had several floors, and the walls had windows and doors overlooking the streets, which usually surrounded them on four sides.