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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Society)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

High infant mortality in ancient Rome

Although the Roman Empire was powerful and was inhabited by a huge mass of people, it still, like other countries of that period, had a high infant mortality rate. In ancient Rome, infant mortality ranged from 15% to 35%.

A child dressed as a Roman

Ancient acne

Who among us did not struggle in adolescence with colloquially called “pimples”. The same problem also applied to the youth of the ancient world.


Are you up with your left foot again?

Greco-Roman texts provide a great deal of information about the ancients’ views on religious matters, many of which refer to very mundane matters. Often the superstitions of ordinary people from two thousand years ago are present and very popular superstitions. How many people have not stood up at least once with the famous “left leg”? Or vice versa, he ascribed his happiness to his right foot, as did the Germans and the English in their proverbs (“Auf rechten Füssen ist gut stehen” tudzież “Let’s get off on the right foot this year”)?

Left foot sculpture from the 4th century BCE. The object is from Egypt

Wedding day in Roman world

The wedding day in the Roman world was chosen with great care. This was done to avoid any ordinary omens that might adversely affect future life. For example, June was considered a successful month until marriage, while May was seen as very unlucky.

Roman couple on a sculpture

Roman fresco showing daily expenses

We learn a lot about the expenses of ordinary citizens of course from Pompeii. It was there in one of the houses that the Roman “graffiti” survived; the resident calculates his expenses on the wall for the next five days (prices in asses).

Roman fresco showing the sale of bread in the market

In Rome, there were so-called wet nurse

Children from rich homes were often fed by other women, the so-called mammals. Soranus of Ephesus in the 2nd century CE. He proposed to hire a woman between 20 and 40 years of age who has two or three children of her own.

In Rome, there were so-called wet nurse

Sex in middle of female cycle?

Roman doctors recommended having sex in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle, which would guarantee a zero chance of becoming pregnant. As we currently know, this is the most “dangerous period” for such activities.

Messalina with Britannicus

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