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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Rich Romans organized wonderful feasts

Rich Romans organized extremely decadent and extravagant feasts that lasted for hours. Unable to swallow the next dishes, the slaves teased their palate with a pen so that they could then vomit the contents of the stomach. In this way they could continue to participate in the meeting.

Fishing on the Roman mosaic

Rex bibendi – Roman king of feast

Roman feast (cena) preceded the choice of a specific king of feast (rex bibendi). It was either the host himself or a person known and recognized by fellow-members. The selection was made with a roll of dice: the best throw – called Venus – set the master of the ceremony among others trying to please the guests.

Roberto Bompiani, Roman feast

Antikythera Mechanism

Antikythera Mechanism is an ancient mechanical device that most scientists believe was designed to calculate the positions of celestial bodies. It was originally thought to be some kind of ancient computer. However, the discovery of numerous Greek inscriptions and zodiac signs indicates that it was an astrological device.

The Antikythera Mechanism

Acta Diurna – Roman newspaper

A first and only newspaper of the ancient world was founded by Julius Caesar in 59 BCE. It was called Acta Diurna – “Events of the Day” and, unfortunately, no copy has been preserved so far, and we do not know the amount of its circulation.

Roman letters

Caesar’s testament

Caesar’s death in 44 BCE was a huge shock for Roman society. As if sensing his fate, the dictator decided to write down his will earlier, probably trying to prevent fights for supporters, property, power and heritage. The act of his last will was deposited in the temple of Vesta and it was publicly read by the last father-in-law of Caesar – Lucius Calpurnius.

Alleged bust of Caesar

Was Roman wine tasty?

What kind of pleasures Romans had thanks to the wine – prof. André Tchernia, a French historian, archaeologist and researcher of ancient wines, tied to find it out. He produced a liquor according to a recipe from the Roman Empire.

Roman wine vessel

Roman clientele

The rich Romans looked after their clients. The client was in a literal sense of the word parasite, which in exchange for protection he was ready every morning, according to the custom, at dawn, to appear at the patron’s house to greet him and offer his services. Sometimes the patron had to remind customers of their duties. Readiness to provide services gained great value during the election campaign.

Roman elections

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