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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Roman fashion

According to Roman fashion, feasts were organized in the so-called triclinium. In the middle of the room, the table was set up, and the sofas around it, leaving one side “unmarked” (something like a horseshoe was created).
Triclinia could have different sizes – in the picture we can see the smallest possible triclinium, consisting of three sofas. Most often, however, it consisted of nine couches arranged around the table.

Roman fashion

Impurities on Roman streets

The picture shows stone blocks in Pompeii. They made it possible for residents not to get dirty and not to walk on the lower level of the road, where all impurities accumulated.

Passages in Roman streets in Pompeii

Roman associations

In ancient Rome operated colleges (collegia), gathering employees of the same branch of trade. These types of associations were created either on the initiative of the Senate or independently. What’s more, there were also religious associations.


Etymology of Latin names

According to Marcus Terentius Varro, whose works have been preserved in a very small and poor form, we can trace the etymology of Latin names associated with the rise of the city of Rome. And so, the place where Rome is today, was called Septimontium, from the seven hills that were later included in the city walls.


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