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Discoveries and news in Rome
All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
Marble gladiator’s head was found in Bulgaria
In summer of 2015 were carried out excavations in the Roman city of Augusta Traiana (southern Bulgaria), where a marble gladiator’s head was found.
Board game pieces found in Roman settlement
The remains of a well, pearls and hairpins are evidence that around 1,900 years ago, local residents founded a settlement on the site of a Roman fort. The site is located in what is now Gernsheim, a German city on the Rhine about 50 km south of Frankfurt.
Very old tomb was discovered in Pompeii
In 2015, archaeologists discovered an extremely rare, 4th century BCE tomb of a woman that was created in Pompeii, not yet subjugated to the Romans. At that time, the region was under the control of the Samnites and, according to scientists, the Romans, after taking over these lands, respected the heritage of the defeated people. The find proves that the Romans did not destroy the burial site and did not build any new buildings there.
Ruins of Roman house were discovered in heart of Rome
An interesting discovery was made in the heart of the Eternal City in 2015. Nearly 2,600 years old, well-preserved ruins of a Roman house have been found on the Quirinale. According to archaeologists, it was about 40 square meters in size and dates back to the rule of the Tarquinius.
Almost 3,000 Roman coins have been found in Bulgaria
In 2105, 2,976 silver Roman coins with images of the emperors and their families were found in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. There used to be a Thracian city at the discovery site – Serdica, renamed by the Romans Ulpia Serdica. The coins were found in an earthen pot with the name of the owner of the treasure – one named Selvius Calistus.
Remains of Roman city in Spain have been discovered
In Spain, in the current centre of Jimena de la Frontera, the remains of a Roman city were discovered in 2016. The existence of the centre was confirmed by the discovered coins.