Stories straight from arena
The Roman arena was full of extraordinary stories as well as frightening stories. I am going to introduce you to a few of them today.
The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.
I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.
The Roman arena was full of extraordinary stories as well as frightening stories. I am going to introduce you to a few of them today.
In the history of the principate, there were revolts of the provincial population, most of which had a small range and could not permanently threaten the security of the Empire. An example was the fights in Africa, where in 17 CE the Numidian Tacfarinas, a former auxiliary soldier, stood against the Roman authorities.
History hides unfathomable layers of secrets and puzzles, the solution of which is sometimes at your fingertips, and other times it is lost in the abyss of oblivion and will never be found again. This is one of the things that attracts me to it – searching, discovering, wandering among possibilities. The knowledge of the ultimate truth is not always the most important thing, sometimes the enigmatic nature stimulates the imagination and allows theories to be made, developing intelligence and motivating for research. This is also the case here – IX Legio Hispana.
Aquileia was founded by the Romans as a colony in 181 BCE, during battles with the Illyrian tribes. The city was located on the Natisa River, south of the Julian Alps, several kilometres north of the lagoons. It had an important military significance at the very beginning of its existence – it was a fortress protecting the Pre-Alpine Gaul from the east, and, if necessary, enabling the support of the Venetians – solid Roman allies. The colony was granted the Latin law by the triumvirs: Publius Cornelius Scipio Nazyka, Caius Flaminius and Lucius Manilius Acidinus. Soon after its founding, it probably had approx. 20 thousand. inhabitants, most of whom were Latins.
Giuseppe Fiorelli was an Italian archaeologist who became famous for his discoveries in Pompeii, and also developed a method of making plaster casts of bodies, thanks to which we can see the shape of preserved, often in convulsions, the bodies of Pompeians who died during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE.
Marcus Junius Brutus seems to be one of the most recognizable figures in the ancient world. His image has been deeply rooted in literature, theatre, cinema and widely understood popular culture. Due to such great popularity, many myths and misunderstandings have arisen around his character. It can be said that he fell victim to his fame, both in life and after death.
The Western Roman Empire fell over 1,500 years ago, but its heritage and achievements are valued to this day. The Romans were great builders and inventors. What made Rome such great power?
Otia post negotia – which in translation means to rest after work, or free time. The greatest period of development of all entertainment in ancient Rome was from the reign of Octavian Augustus and his famous room Pax Augustus (Pax Romana), who brought peace throughout Rome.
Any military and political activity by the Romans in the Arabian Peninsula is related to the actions taken by Emperor Octavian Augustus. The Roman legions, however, never conquered the territories of Arabia, which was largely dictated by the harsh climatic conditions and problems with food supply at a long distance.
During the time of the Republic, Roman citizens had the right (libertas) to protect their bodies from physical coercion, including both corporal punishment and sexual violence. Roman society was typically patriarchal and masculinity was based on the principle of governing not only oneself but also other persons, especially those from the lower class.