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Articles (Religion)

The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

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Sulla and gods. Religiosity and prophecies in life of Lucius Cornelius Sulla

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (born 138 BCE., died 78 BCE) – leader, politician, dictator and favorite of the gods. He honestly believed that the grace of deities was resting on him and that he was endowed with Felicitas – happiness. This was evidenced by numerous prophecies, dreams and extraordinary events appearing in his life. Sulla had many divine patrons who supported him from the beginning of his career, leading him to the heights of power. This article is designed to trace the most important events in Sulla’s life, related to divine patrons and unusual signs.

Bust of Lucius Cornelius Sulla without a nose

Genesis of development of Eastern cults in times of Roman Empire

Starting from the 2nd century CE Imperium Romanum began a process of intense religious changes. Oriental religions, such as Mithraism began to play an increasingly important role in the Roman state. One of the reasons for the development of these cults was the serious crises that the empire experienced in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE. Events such as the civil war of 193-197, or the difficult internal situation during the so-called crisis of the 3rd century, favoured the emergence of religious phenomena, the roots of which dated back to earlier epochs.

Relief depicting Mithra

Origins and development of victory theology in ancient Rome

War is one of the most radical actions that a human society can take. Among ancient societies, this type of behaviour was most often perceived in a religious and magical context. Humans appeased the gods before the conflict began, and subsequent victories or defeats were attributed to their direct intervention. Ancient Greek and Roman societies functioned no differently.

Fresco from Pompeii depicting the goddess Victoria

Persecution of Christians in ancient Rome

Romans were very attached to their religion. Making sacrifices to the pantheon of gods had not only religious significance but was also a sign of belonging to a particular social group. This faith, although very formalistic, was shaped over the centuries, initially taking over the beliefs of the Etruscans and Greeks, and finally basing its values ​​​​on the preaching of the cult of the emperor and transferring the Eastern culture to Rome.

Christian dirce, painting by Henryk Siemiradzki

Egyptian cults in Rome

With the development of the Imperium, a huge number of different religions with a shorter or longer traditions found themselves within the borders of the Roman state. As a result, a process of intense religious change began. Romans became more and more interested in attractive Eastern cults over time. These include, among others, Egyptian cults, primarily the goddess of Isis and Serapis.

Romanized sculpture of goddess Isis

Changes of Roman religion during great conquests

One of the most breakthrough periods in the history of Roman Empire were the years of wars with Carthage. The First Punic War began in 264 BCE and ushered in a new chapter in the history of Rome, the so-called period of the great conquests. The very rapid spread of the territorial power of the Romans influenced many aspects of the internal life in their country, including religion, which underwent significant transformations during this period.

Reverse of a Roman coin showing a she-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus

Genesis of deification in ancient Rome

In the times of the republic, the Romans were famous for their extraordinary religiosity. This opinion was already expressed by a Greek Polybius and Cicero, writing that: piety and we are religious above all peoples and nations. The early Roman religion, however, was very reluctant to exalt and worship outstanding individuals. It was related to the political and social system in Rome. In this way, the possibility of the return of the monarchical system so hated by the Romans was avoided. However, despite this, as the Empire grew, eminent leaders began to play an increasing role in Roman politics and religion. Over time, they began to be assigned unique features, which were to be due to the protection of the gods. Ultimately, this process led to the divine exaltation of individuals or so-called deification.

Monetary portrait of Gaius Julius Caesar

Shield of Achilles, Shield of Aeneas

In the 18th book of the Iliad, there is a description of Achilles’ shield, made for him by Hephaestus at the request of the hero’s mother – Tethys. Virgil, the entire “Aeneid” modelled on both epics of Homer (“Iliad” and “Odyssey”), did not fail to include in his work (in book VII) an analogous description of the shield Aeneas. The differences between them illustrate well the different goals and characters of the works of the two poets.

The scene where Achilles was handed the shield

Fortune telling in ancient Rome

For centuries, people have tried to find out what the future holds. Hence, it was common to refer to all kinds of fortune-tellers or priests – augur or haruspices who they foretold from the entrails of animals. Special attention was also paid to all kinds of fortune-telling, which, as it was believed, were not a coincidence, but were interfering with the gods.

Publius Claudius Pulcher, ordering the chickens to be thrown into the water

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